CESTA J/2RECT. RATTAN GRISACEO G. G-46X25X14 - (Ref.55831)

Reference: 55831


This website uses cookies to perform promotional, personalization, analytical actions... To improve the user experience..More info

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Our terms


This is Casa Barrera's privacy policy and in it we explain both to web users and to other possible agents how we treat their personal data.

Casa Barrera reserves the right to modify this Policy in order to adapt it to new legislation, jurisprudential criteria, sector practices, or interests of the entity. Any modification in it will be announced in advance, so that you have perfect knowledge of its content.


CASA BARRERA SL (B-03139763)

DEPARTURE MADRIGUERES SUD 50-52, 03700, DENIA, ALICANTE Tel. 966426085 facturacion@casabarrera.com


1- The data will be processed for the attention and management of the users of our products and services:

     We collect your basic information Name, e-mail, gender, age, location, contact details, bank details, economic data and products and services, and some other

     The data conservation period will be for the duration of the contractual relationship with the company and subsequently according to the one that requires having the accounting and tax information of the company, at the request of the competent public entity. However, they may be kept longer for historical or statistical archiving purposes, unless there is no opposition and / or cancellation.

      The data is processed based on the contractual relationship with the company.

2- To manage electronic commerce services:

We collect your basic information Name, e-mail, gender, age, location, contact information, bank details and some other

     The term of conservation of the data will be for the duration of the contractual relationship with the company and subsequently in accordance with the obligation to have the health information according to the law at the request of the competent public entity. However, they may be kept longer for historical or statistical archiving purposes, unless there is no opposition and / or cancellation.

      . The data is processed based on the contractual relationship with the company and your consent

3- Attention to inquiries and requests

     We collect your basic information Name, e-mail, and others

     The data conservation period will be for the duration of the resolution of the request or query. However, they may be kept longer for historical or statistical archiving purposes, unless there is no opposition and / or cancellation.

      The data is processed based on the consent of the interested party.

     The data is processed based on the contractual relationship with the company

4- Sending advertising or commercial bulletins.

     We collect contact data as well as other content data such as products and services and the like.

     We will keep it for as long as you are a Casa Barrera user. And it may be saved for a longer period as long as you do not exercise your right of opposition or deletion, or to comply with our legal obligations in cases where there is litigation between the parties, which will be kept as long as necessary for resolution.

      We do this on the basis that you are our user and we need it to offer you our services

                                                    i. In case you do not wish to receive these commercial communications, you can request to unsubscribe by pressing the "Cancel subscription" button in any of the messages you receive.

TO WHOM WE GIVE THIS DATA, FOR WHAT AND WHY (Assignment, Purpose and Legitimation)

We do not transfer data to anyone without your consent, except in the case of:

1- Public Administrations, Courts, Tax Agency and any body that the law requires us to do. We will transfer all the data required by these organizations based on a legal obligation.


All of our data processing centers are located within the territory of the European Union so international data transfers are not carried out. In the event that the use of international data transfers is required, you will be informed in advance so that you can give your express consent.

All our transmissions are carried out and will be carried out in a secure manner using security standards that comply with the regulations on data protection and privacy.


The data may be transferred to providers with access to data with whom a contract is formalized where the obligations and responsibilities they assume in the treatment of the data as Treatment Managers are clearly contemplated. We assure you that from Casa Barrera we carry out a study and evaluation prior to hiring a third party as manager to ensure that they give us the maximum guarantee if they are going to process our data and yours.


You have the following rights:

       For us to confirm if we are treating your data

       To access your data, to rectify it if it is inaccurate or to delete it in particular if it is no longer necessary to process it.

       In certain cases you can request the limitation of the treatment, in which case we will use them only for the exercise or defense of claims.

       In certain cases, you may object to the processing of your data and we will stop processing it except for compelling legitimate reasons or the exercise or defense of possible claims.

       To revoke consent.

       To the portability of personal data.


And to exercise them:


You must submit a letter to the address indicated above or send a statement to the email privacy@casabarrera.com where you will specify which of these rights you request is satisfied and, in turn, you must accompany it with a photocopy of the DNI or equivalent identification document. In case you act through a representative, legal or voluntary, you must also provide a document that proves the representation and identification document of the same.

If you need a model for it, you can:

       Well use an official model of the Agency: https://www.aepd.es/regdamientos/derechos/index.html

Well, ask us for a model: invoicing@casabarrera.com

And you can also claim the AEPD if you need it.

Cookies policy

We, like most websites, also use Cookies to improve and optimize your user experience.

So as we use them, it seems necessary to explain a little better what this cookie consists of. Let's go there then.

To get started…

1. What are Cookies?

Cookies are files that websites or applications install in the browser or on any device; smartphone, tablet or Smart TV that the user uses during their tour of the web pages or the application, and in doing so they will store information about your visit .

Like almost all sites on the internet, our website uses Cookies to:

Know the user's browsing experience.

Ensure that the web pages can function properly.

Store preferences, that is, how you like to see the web; size, language ...

Collect anonymous statistical information, such as which pages the user has visited or how long they have stayed on the website.

By using Cookies what we do is optimize navigation, adapting the information and services offered to your interests or preferences, thus providing you with a better experience each time you visit our website. So our cookies will make your browsing work, adapt and make it as easy as possible.

And there is still more…

2. Typology, purpose and operation

Cookies, depending on their permanence, are divided into session or permanent cookies. The first ones will expire when you close the browser. The second ones will expire when they have fulfilled the objective for which they serve (this may be, to identify yourself while browsing, to know your preferences ...) or if you delete them manually.

And also, depending on their objective, Cookies are classified as follows:

Strictly necessary (technical): Without them the web does not work correctly, they are essential. They are normally generated when the user accesses the website or logs in to it and they are used to identify them on the website with the following objectives:

Keep the user identified so that, if they leave the website, browser or device and at another time access said website again, they will continue to be identified, thus facilitating their browsing without having to identify themselves again.

Check if the user is authorized to access certain services or areas of the website.

Performance: They are used to improve the browsing experience and optimize the operation of the website, such as storing service settings, or storing the purchase made in a shopping cart.

Advertising: They are those that collect information about the ads shown to users of the website. They can be of two types:

Anonymous: They only collect information about the advertising spaces shown on the website, regardless of the user who accesses the website, that is, without expressly identifying them.

Personalized: They collect personal information from the website user by a third party, for the personalization of said advertising spaces.

Geo-location: These Cookies are used to find out which country or region the user is in when accessing a service on the website in order to offer content or services appropriate to their location.

From analytics: They collect information about the user's browsing experience on the website, usually anonymously, although sometimes they also allow the user to be uniquely and unequivocally identified in order to obtain reports on the interests of users in the services offered by the website.

In our case…

3. Cookies used on this website

After explaining what cookies are and what they are for, we will tell you which Cookies we use. For this we show you a table with the Cookies used, where we incorporate a criterion of "level of intrusiveness" from lowest to highest on a scale from 1 to 3, in which:

Level 1: corresponds to Cookies strictly necessary for the provision of the service requested by the user.

Level 2: corresponds to performance Cookies (anonymous) necessary for the maintenance of content and navigation, of which it is only necessary to report their existence.

Level 3: corresponds to Cookies managed by third parties that allow the user to be monitored through websites of which we are not the owner. Normally they correspond to advertising or analytical cookies where the user is identified in a unique and obvious way.









Maintain a user's session

Level 1


2 years


Internal measurement with Google Analytics

Level 3


30 min.


Internal measurement with Google Analytics

Level 3




Internal measurement with Google Analytics

Level 3


6 months


Internal measurement with Google Analytics and AdWords

Level 3




Identify if the user accepts the use of cookies

Level 2




Information about the shopping cart

Level 3




Information about the shopping cart

Level 3




Maintain a user's session

Level 1


If at any time you do not want us to use cookies with you, you can ...

4. Disable the use of Cookies

The easiest way is to disable them from the browser for everything, or to stop accepting Cookies from a particular service. This is usually done from the "Options" or "Preferences" of the browser menu.

If you want to disable the use of Cookies on this site you have two main options:

A) From the browser settings:

- Google Chrome: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=es&answer=95647

- Internet Explorer: http://windows.microsoft.com/es-es/windows7/how-to-manage-cookies-in-internet-explorer-9

- Mozilla Firefox: http://support.mozilla.org/es/kb/habilitar-y-deshabilitar-cookies-que-los-sitios-we

- Apple Safari: http://support.apple.com/kb/ph5042

) Using third-party tools, available online, that allow users to detect Cookies on each website they visit and manage their deactivation, such as Ghostery: http://www.ghostery.com/privacy-statement).


But if you decide to disable cookies you can pass ...

5. What happens when cookies are disabled?

Possibly some of the functionalities and services may be disabled or have a different behavior than expected. For example, we cannot identify you, we cannot keep purchases in the "shopping cart" in an e-commerce service or give you information based on your location ...

In addition, it is very likely that you will no longer be able to access certain areas of it or that the browsing experience in it will be significantly degraded.

And if something changes in the future ...

6. Update of the Cookies Policy

Casa Barrera, s.l. You can modify this Cookie Policy based on legislative and regulatory requirements, or with the purpose of adapting said policy to the instructions issued by the Spanish Data Protection Agency, therefore users are advised to visit it periodically. But if the changes are significant, we will take care of communicating it to you via the web or via email as long as you are a registered user.

Legal warning

Google analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., a Delaware company whose main office is at 1600 AmphitheaterParkway, Mountain View (California), CA 94043, United States (“Google”).

Google Analytics uses “cookies”, which are text files located on your computer, to help the website analyze how users use the website. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your IP address) will be directly transmitted and filed by Google on servers in the United States. Google will use this information on our behalf in order to keep track of your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services related to website activity and Internet use. Google may transmit said information to third parties when required by law, or when said third parties process the information on Google's behalf. Google will not associate your IP address with any other data that Google has.

You can reject the treatment of data or information by rejecting the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate configuration of your browser, however, you should know that if you do so, you may not be able to use the full functionality of this website. By using this website, you consent to the processing of information about you by Google in the manner and for the purposes indicated above.
